
I was really dumb a year ago

I was really dumb a year ago. I was also really dumb just a few months ago. If I’m lucky, in just a few short weeks I’ll realize just how dumb I’m being right now.

It’s a strange feeling knowing that stupidity is inevitable. It’s also a very powerful one. Accepting this fact is the first step to eventually changing it. In the past, I would have much preferred LARPing as someone that knew what they were talking about instead of just admitting to how dumb I really was. That was pretty dumb too.

I wonder what some of the great technologists today feel dumb about. What do John Carmack and Andrej Karpathy wish they understood sooner? How many months and years of feeling dumb will it take me to get to how dumb they are today?

Anyways— Here’s to another year of being dumb.